New! Lasting Power of Attorneys Online

The government has recently introduced a new online system for sharing your Lasting Power of Attorney with others, this is an optional service and it is entirely up to you whether you take advantage of the online portal. It allows you to: allow people or organisations to view a summary of an LPA keep track […]
Defining your Digital Assets

Now more than ever, we all live in the digital space – we upload our photos to Facebook and Instagram; we keep all of our appointments in our online diaries; we download digital books and stream music. So much of what we used to hold in our home as assets has moved online. Traditionally, we […]
The point of good note taking at any Will instruction

When I attend a Will instruction I always bring with me a standard alh legal document which covers all of the important questions I need to ask in order to make your Will. Sometimes this may seem like a lot of information but it’s key for understanding what you need and how I can best […]
My Grandpa’s words

When I was very small, I remember my wonderful Yorkshire grandpa saying to me “Find something that you enjoy doing, and then find someone who will pay you to do it!” I used to laugh at him, but I now understand that he was telling me to find my passion and make it my career. […]
Getting the details of the Trust right

Trusts are a great way of protecting your property or assets, they can be used to protect vulnerable recipients or to provide residence for a surviving spouse whilst keeping the capital safe for your children. It is really important that Trusts are created by qualified professionals who understand all of the ins and outs and […]

In order for a Will to be valid it must be signed by the testator and witnessed by 2 independent people as per section 9 of the Wills Act 1837. There are 3 specific criteria that need to be met (well 4 really but point 3 and 4 are wrapped up together for the purposes […]
Why you need a letter of wishes

Although not legally binding a letter of wishes can be included with your Will to help your executors and those left behind understand exactly how you want things to be left. This removes any chance of misinterpretation and means that assets such as jewellery or things with sentimental value are left to the people you […]
Trusts for your Children

Technology & Wills
Protective Property Trusts – protection from care fees or sideways disinheritance.
It can easily be said that Protective Property Trusts (PPTs) are the most common type of Trust that are included in Wills but many people have no heard of them. What is a Protective Property Trust? A PPT is designed to take the deceased’s share in the home and give someone else (known as the […]
The Pandemic Do It Yourself Trend
The last 2 years have been very unusual and it has led to several lockdowns and a lot of people self-isolating, with a climate of social distancing and avoiding mixing with people outside of your own household. So, whilst there has been a rise in the demand for Wills there has also been a worrying […]
The Kate Garroway story – How to keep access to bank accounts and medical records if your partner becomes ill.
In the recent ITV documentary “Finding Derek”, Kate Garroway shares her experience of her husband’s illness. Derek is in hospital with COVID 19, unable to speak or move, and has just woken up from an induced coma, although the long-term prognosis is unknown. Derek may never regain his full mental capacity. Kate is coping day […]
Discretionary Trusts – The What, The Why and the How
You may be familiar with Trusts and their basic principles but there are different kinds, this blog explains Discretionary Trusts and why you might need one. What is a Discretionary Trust? First let us look at the definition of a Discretionary Trust. This is a type of Trust where the trustees have complete control of how and […]
Funeral Wishes and your Will
As I’ve discussed before, the death of a loved can be a difficult time for those left behind, and it’s at this time that the grieving family will be expected to arrange a funera, This can be difficult at such a challenging and emotional time. It is with this in mind that this week’s blog […]
Can you remove an executor?
Executor NOUN law a person or institution appointed by a testator to carry out the terms of their will. In accepting the position of Executor, you are doing so on the understanding that you have a legal duty to administer the estate of the deceased. This includes tasks such as: making sure assets are identified […]